Small E-Bead 2.0

Date Added: 29/08/2024 4 stars

An almost complete upgrade to the electro-egg thanks to the added versatility of being able to half-insert them; and although they seem to want to extract themselves, it is merely your mind playing tricks as it actually takes some effort to get them out, so there is no risk of an unhappy accident even with this small model. They do however from the same two pitfalls as the electro-egg: 1) You will need to jury-rig (or purchase from a third party) an adapter to split the two channels. I do not know if this unconventional usage goes against the warranty or not, but being able to use them in a tri-phase setup combined with an electro cockring is worth it to me. 2) when fully inserted they tend to go in deeper, move around, create a hotspot or wander in an area much less sensitive. Although this at first may seem like an inconvenient, it does open the door to a newer kind of play, where you have to focus on your sphincter muscles and push the electrode to the appropriate spot and keep it in here or risk an uncomfortable jolt when it moves to a much more sensitive spot. Not a big inconvenient as you can still use this one half-inserted (which is something you can't do with the eggs so this one gives you the best of both worlds, although the eggs is more suited for this more "active" form of play). Only reason this isn't a solid 5 star is because of the lack of in-house adapter to split the channels to use it in tri-phase or using only the inserted half in combination with another electrode.
by Lionel B.